Chicago – A vice-presidente, Kamala Harris, fez nesta segunda, 22, seu primeiro comício uma vez que candidata a presidente, posteriormente a desistência de Joe Biden. Em seu oração, ela fez ataques duros ao seu rival, Donald Trump.
“Uma vez que procuradora, lidei com criminosos de todos os tipos. Predadores que abusaram de mulheres. Fraudadores que deram golpes em consumidores. Trapaceiros que destroem as regras para seu próprio proveito. Portanto me ouçam: eu sei o tipo de Donald Trump. E eu coloco, com orgulho, minha trajetória contra a dele”, disse, durante um evento em Delaware.
Em seguida, Kamala apontou que Trump foi réprobo por um júri por cometer injúria sexual e, em outro caso, processado por enganar estudantes de uma universidade criada por ele, e teve de remunerar US$ 25 milhões em indenizações.
“Nossa campanha sempre foi sobre duas versões diferentes de horizonte para nosso país. Uma focada no horizonte, outra no pretérito. Donald Trump quer levar nosso país para trás, para um tempo antes do que muitos de nossos cidadãos tivessem liberdade e direitos. Acreditamos em um horizonte onde cada pessoa tem o recta não só de viver, mas ir além”, disse.
Kamala Harris, vice-presidente dos EUA, durante evento nesta segunda, 22
Photo by Logan Cyrus / AFP
(FILES) US Vice President Kamala Harris speaks remotely to the Generation Equality Forum in Paris from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington, DC, June 30, 2021. Joe Biden on July 21, 2024 dropped out of the US presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s new nominee, in a stunning move that upends an already extraordinary 2024 race for the White House. Biden, 81, said he was acting in the “best interest of my party and the country” by bowing to weeks of pressure after a disastrous June debate against Donald Trump stoked worries about his age and mental fitness. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP)
(FILES) US Vice-President Kamala Harris gives a speech during the opening ceremony of the “Paris Peace Forum” at The Grande Halle de la Villette in Paris on November 11, 2021. Joe Biden on July 21, 2024 dropped out of the US presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s new nominee, in a stunning move that upends an already extraordinary 2024 race for the White House. Biden, 81, said he was acting in the “best interest of my party and the country” by bowing to weeks of pressure after a disastrous June debate against Donald Trump stoked worries about his age and mental fitness. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP)
Kamala Harris, vice-presidente dos EUA, durante evento em junho de 2023
Kamala Harris, vice-presidente dos EUA, durante evento em junho de 2021
(Kamala Harris, vice-presidente dos EUA, durante evento em junho de 2021)
(FILES) US Vice President Kamala Harris watches as US DJ and rapper, D-Nice, performs during a 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop event at the residence of the Vice President in Washington, DC, on September 9, 2023. Joe Biden on July 21, 2024 dropped out of the US presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s new nominee, in a stunning move that upends an already extraordinary 2024 race for the White House. Biden, 81, said he was acting in the “best interest of my party and the country” by bowing to weeks of pressure after a disastrous June debate against Donald Trump stoked worries about his age and mental fitness. (Photo by Stefani Reynolds / AFP)
(FILES) US Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at the Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote) Presidential Town Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 13, 2024. Joe Biden on July 21, 2024 dropped out of the US presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s new nominee, in a stunning move that upends an already extraordinary 2024 race for the White House. Biden, 81, said he was acting in the “best interest of my party and the country” by bowing to weeks of pressure after a disastrous June debate against Donald Trump stoked worries about his age and mental fitness. (Photo by RYAN COLLERD / AFP)
(FILES) US Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at a campaign rally for Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe in Dumfries, Virginia on October 21, 2021. Joe Biden on July 21, 2024 dropped out of the US presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s new nominee, in a stunning move that upends an already extraordinary 2024 race for the White House. Biden, 81, said he was acting in the “best interest of my party and the country” by bowing to weeks of pressure after a disastrous June debate against Donald Trump stoked worries about his age and mental fitness. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN / AFP)
(FILES) US Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at a campaign rally for Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe in Dumfries, Virginia on October 21, 2021. Joe Biden on July 21, 2024 dropped out of the US presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s new nominee, in a stunning move that upends an already extraordinary 2024 race for the White House. Biden, 81, said he was acting in the “best interest of my party and the country” by bowing to weeks of pressure after a disastrous June debate against Donald Trump stoked worries about his age and mental fitness. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN / AFP)
(FILES) US Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during the Phoenix Awards Dinner at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC on October 1, 2022. Joe Biden on July 21, 2024 dropped out of the US presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s new nominee, in a stunning move that upends an already extraordinary 2024 race for the White House. Biden, 81, said he was acting in the “best interest of my party and the country” by bowing to weeks of pressure after a disastrous June debate against Donald Trump stoked worries about his age and mental fitness. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP)
(FILES) US Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at the United We Stand Summit in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, on September 15, 2022. Joe Biden on July 21, 2024 dropped out of the US presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s new nominee, in a stunning move that upends an already extraordinary 2024 race for the White House. Biden, 81, said he was acting in the “best interest of my party and the country” by bowing to weeks of pressure after a disastrous June debate against Donald Trump stoked worries about his age and mental fitness. (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP)
(FILES) US Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a “Get Out the Vote” rally at the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center at Roxbury Community College in Boston, Massachusetts, on November 2, 2022. Joe Biden on July 21, 2024 dropped out of the US presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s new nominee, in a stunning move that upends an already extraordinary 2024 race for the White House. Biden, 81, said he was acting in the “best interest of my party and the country” by bowing to weeks of pressure after a disastrous June debate against Donald Trump stoked worries about his age and mental fitness. (Photo by Joseph Prezioso / AFP)
(FILES) US President Joe Biden looks on as US Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks during National Small Business Week in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, DC, on May 1, 2023. Joe Biden on July 21, 2024 dropped out of the US presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s new nominee, in a stunning move that upends an already extraordinary 2024 race for the White House. Biden, 81, said he was acting in the “best interest of my party and the country” by bowing to weeks of pressure after a disastrous June debate against Donald Trump stoked worries about his age and mental fitness. (Photo by Brendan SMIALOWSKI / AFP)
A vice-presidente dos EUA, Kamala Harris, realiza uma reunião com legisladoras estaduais latinas para discutir o fortalecimento e a proteção dos direitos reprodutivos em seus estados em Washington em 2022Foto: SAUL LOEB / AFP)
(A vice-presidente dos EUA, Kamala Harris, realiza uma reunião com legisladoras estaduais latinas para discutir o fortalecimento e a proteção dos direitos reprodutivos em seus estados em Washington em 2022)
(FILES) US Vice President Kamala Harris deplanes upon arrival at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on June 14, 2021. Joe Biden on July 21, 2024 dropped out of the US presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s new nominee, in a stunning move that upends an already extraordinary 2024 race for the White House. Biden, 81, said he was acting in the “best interest of my party and the country” by bowing to weeks of pressure after a disastrous June debate against Donald Trump stoked worries about his age and mental fitness. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN / AFP)
(FILES) US Vice President-elect Kamala Harris listens during a foreign policy and national security virtual meeting at the Queen Theater December 28, 2020, in Wilmington, Delaware. Joe Biden on July 21, 2024 dropped out of the US presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s new nominee, in a stunning move that upends an already extraordinary 2024 race for the White House. Biden, 81, said he was acting in the “best interest of my party and the country” by bowing to weeks of pressure after a disastrous June debate against Donald Trump stoked worries about his age and mental fitness. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP)
(FILES) Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a political event at the Air Zoo Aerospace & Science Experience in Portage, Michigan, on July 17, 2024. Joe Biden on July 21, 2024 dropped out of the US presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s new nominee, in a stunning move that upends an already extraordinary 2024 race for the White House. Biden, 81, said he was acting in the “best interest of my party and the country” by bowing to weeks of pressure after a disastrous June debate against Donald Trump stoked worries about his age and mental fitness. (Photo by JEFF KOWALSKY / AFP)
Kamala Harris, vice-presidente dos EUA, durante oração em janeiro de 2022
(Kamala Harris, vice-presidente dos EUA, durante oração em janeiro de 2022)
O presidente Joe Biden e a vice, Kamala Harris, durante evento em setembro de 2023
O presidente dos EUA, Joe Biden, e a vice-presidente, Kamala Harris, levantam os braços enquanto os convidados aplaudem posteriormente assistirem aos fogos de artifício do Dia da Independência na Vivenda Branca em Washington, DC, em 4 de julho de 2024. (Foto por Mandel NGAN / AFP)
(O presidente dos EUA, Joe Biden, e a vice-presidente, Kamala Harris)
Kamala Harris, vice-presidente dos EUA
(Kamala Harris, vice-presidente dos EUA)
Kamala disse que o Projeto 2025, nome de um pacote de medidas defendido pelos republicanos, enfraquecerá a classe média do país, ao dar grandes descontos em impostos para grandes empresas e reduzir políticas sociais.
A candidata também deixou clara sua posição em relação ao recta ao monstro. Disse que Trump planeja adotar um veto federalista ao procedimento, um pouco que ele diz não tutorar, e que ela acredita que o novo Congresso, a ser eleito em novembro, poderá validar uma lei para prometer o recta ao monstro.
Levante recta era reservado por uma decisão da Suprema Namoro até junho de 2022. Atualmente, cada estado pode fabricar sua lei sobre o tema.
Biden participa por telefone
O presidente dos Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, fez uma participação por telefone no comício e disse que terá participação ativa na campanha.
“Eu vou trabalhar para valer, para validar leis, e fazendo campanha. Eu não estarei na cédula, mas estarei completamente engajado. Ainda tenho mais seis meses de Presidência, e estou determinado a fazer o sumo que puder, em política externa e interna”, disse Biden.
“Trump ainda é um risco para a país. Ainda estamos nesta luta juntos, e eu não vou a lugar nenhum”, completou.
Biden está em isolamento em sua vivenda de praia, em Delaware, enquanto se recupera de uma infecção por covid. Segundo seu médico, ele está se recuperando muito.