A missão da ONU no sul do Líbano (Unifil, na {sigla} em inglês) acusou as Forças de Resguardo de Israel (FDI) de demolirem “deliberadamente” uma torre de reparo e a muro do perímetro de uma de suas posições no sul do país, na fronteira com o território israelense.
“Hoje cedo, uma escavadeira das FDI demoliu deliberadamente uma torre de reparo e a muro do perímetro de uma posição da ONU em Marwahin (sul do Líbano)”, informou a missão em enviado curto divulgado no último dominho, 20.
Na nota, a Unifil disse que Israel “exigiu repetidamente que desocupasse suas posições ao longo da Risco Azul e danificou deliberadamente posições da ONU”.
Netanyahu diz que vitória na guerra de 1948 criou Israel, e não a ONU
“Apesar da pressão sobre a missão e nossos países contribuintes de tropas, as forças de tranquilidade permanecem em todas as posições. Continuaremos a realizar nossas tarefas obrigatórias de monitoramento e relatório”, acrescentou.
A Unifil lembrou a “todos os atores” do conflito, sem mencionar diretamente Israel, que eles têm a obrigação de “prometer a segurança e a proteção do pessoal e da propriedade da ONU e respeitar a inviolabilidade das instalações da ONU em todos os momentos”.
A entidade reiterou que o indumentária de não proteger as instalações, além de colocar em risco a segurança das forças de tranquilidade, representa uma “violação flagrante do recta internacional” e do “recta humanitário internacional”, muito uma vez que da Solução 1701 do Juízo de Segurança da ONU.
Na última quarta-feira, Israel abriu “incêndio direto e aparentemente deliberado” contra uma das posições da missão perto de Kafer Kela, onde um tanque Merkava israelense disparou contra uma torre de reparo e destruiu duas câmeras de vigilância.
Mourners in the Nahr al-Bared camp for Palestinian refugees gather for the funeral of commanders of the Popular Front For the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) group who were killed by an overnight Israeli air strike in Beirut, at the camp near Lebanon’s northern city of Tripoli on September 30, 2024. (Photo by Fathi AL-MASRI / AFP)
Mourners in the Nahr al-Bared camp for Palestinian refugees gather for the funeral of commanders of the Popular Front For the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) group who were killed by an overnight Israeli air strike in Beirut, at the camp near Lebanon’s northern city of Tripoli on September 30, 2024. (Photo by Fathi AL-MASRI / AFP)
A fighter fires live rounds into the air from an assault rifle during the funeral of two commanders and one member of the Popular Front For the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) group who were killed by an overnight Israeli air strike in Beirut, at the Beddawi camp for Palestinian refugees near Lebanon’s northern city of Tripoli on September 30, 2024. (Photo by Fathi AL-MASRI / AFP)
Mourners gather by ambulances transporting the bodies of two commanders and one member of the Popular Front For the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) who were killed by an overnight Israeli air strike in Beirut, during the funeral at the Beddawi camp for Palestinian refugees near Lebanon’s northern city of Tripoli on September 30, 2024. (Photo by Fathi AL-MASRI / AFP)
Conflitos no Oriente Médio: sem sinal de solução à vista
Iranians hold pictures of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who was killed in an Israeli air strike on Beirut’s southern suburbs on September 27, during an anti-Israel protest in Palestine Square in Tehran on September 30, 2024. (Photo by ATTA KENARE / AFP)
Iranians hold pictures of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who was killed in an Israeli air strike on Beirut’s southern suburbs on September 27, during an anti-Israel protest in Palestine Square in Tehran on September 30, 2024. (Photo by ATTA KENARE / AFP)
A picture taken from northern Israel, along the border with southern Lebanon, on September 30, 2024 shows a fire following Israeli bombardment on an area of south Lebanon. The Israeli military said Tuesday troops have started “targeted ground raids” in villages of southern Lebanon. The incursions backed by airstrikes and artillery began “a few hours ago” and are targeting militant group Hezbollah “in villages close to the border” with Israel, a military statement said. (Photo by Jalaa MAREY / AFP)
Smoke rises from the site of an Israeli airstrike that targeted a neighborhood in Beiruts southern suburb early on October 1, 2024. The Israeli military said Tuesday troops have started “targeted ground raids” in villages of southern Lebanon. The incursions backed by airstrikes and artillery began “a few hours ago” and are targeting militant group Hezbollah “in villages close to the border” with Israel, a military statement said. (Photo by Fadel ITANI / AFP)
(Exchanges of fire on Lebanon-Israel border after Hamas offensive)
Smoke rises from the site of an Israeli airstrike that targeted a neighborhood in Beiruts southern suburb early on October 1, 2024. The Israeli military said Tuesday troops have started “targeted ground raids” in villages of southern Lebanon. The incursions backed by airstrikes and artillery began “a few hours ago” and are targeting militant group Hezbollah “in villages close to the border” with Israel, a military statement said. (Photo by Fadel ITANI / AFP)
(Exchanges of fire on Lebanon-Israel border after Hamas offensive)
Smoke rises from the site of an Israeli airstrike that targeted a neighborhood in Beiruts southern suburb early on October 1, 2024. A Lebanese security official said Israel had conducted at least six strikes on south Beirut in the night from Monday to Tuesday, after Israel’s army called on residents in the Hezbollah stronghold to evacuate. (Photo by ETIENNE TORBEY / AFP)
(Exchanges of fire on Lebanon-Israel border after Hamas offensive)